Loans easily cause financial stresses as you need to work your way up to get out of the debts as you pay interests. However, you need to find financing to set up and make your business peak in any business. It could not always be about bank loans, as credit is a significant way to finance your business, either small or existing. Business credit is the ability of a firm to secure loans. It would be best if you established your business credit early for successful plans.
Brandon Elliott is one authority in real estate and credit that trains individuals to thrive in the real estate industry. He is a creative real estate investor who could leverage credit to purchase and fully remodel properties using credit cards. He and his partners own several businesses and have over 20 doors in their real estate portfolio. They have a credit repair business and credit tradelines business. They help create automated Walmart Stores. They also thrive out of referrals that come from exceptional customer experience. For the real estate business, he is the company owner of Brandon Elliott Investments, while for the credit training, the owner of Credit Counsel Elite.
Here Is How You Could Build Business Credit The Right Way
- Choose the Right Business Structure
It is essential for you to choose your business structure, such as a corporation, LLC, among others, to be a distinct legal entity. You can then register your business depending on the structure and location of your business. Once your business is registered, it is termed legal and thus eligible for credits by financial institutions. It would also be best if you applied for a federal tax ID. This number is assigned to your firm to file company tax returns, open a business bank account, and apply for business credit.
- Opening a Business Account
With a federal tax ID, you can open a business bank account, which is essential to separate your business and personal expenses. Your business account serves as a bank reference on credit applications and allows vital data to financers to use in a funding review.
- Establishing credit with vendors/suppliers
Establishing credit with vendors/ suppliers is the most straightforward way to finance your business. You could apply for net terms with your vendors and suppliers. This application happens when you buy inventory or office equipment on credit, and the purchases will be reported to business credit reporting agencies. This practice creates a firm’s credit profile. After you have several trade lines or authorized users, a business credit rating is generated. It will also help if you deal with vendors or suppliers that sell with a business credit reporting agency—the relationships you have also serve as trade references that can be used on future credit applications.
- Adding Authorized Users
Authorized users are secondary credit cardholders who the primary account holders approve of using credit in their spendings. They only spend it, not add money into the account. Once they use your credit card, the reports are sent to the major credit agencies, and your progress is monitored. When both you and your authorized users maintain the account well, the higher credit you get. When approved users make purchases, you are rewarded more points, and your account remains active. This practice grows your credibility.
- Monitoring your Business Credit Reports
These agencies collect data from various sources and may have different information on your company. However, each business credit agency provides a way for you to update basic information about your organization. With an established report, you may get higher credit approvals, better interest rates, and repayment terms on loans and lines of credit. It is also equally critical to establish a diversity of accounts.
The above are practices to be keen on to build your business credit. For more insights on business credit, reach out to Brandon Elliott by: