There are certain household items that you buy every single month because they are necessities. You and your family need them. They are part of living a healthy and comfortable life. We all love to save money, and even if you have a great paying job or a side business that makes extra money, you should do everything you can to keep more of your money in your pocket.
Things like groceries, cleaning supplies, etc. – there is no way around it. You need them and you will buy them. Every month, without a single ounce of doubt. Since you are going to be buying them anyway, why not save as much money as possible?
Many people only think about looking for deals and specials when they are making a large purchase or buying a one-off item. The biggest savings can often be realized when you cut the costs of the thing you are buying over and over. In the end it adds up to significant savings.
There are six things I do that you can too. Your wallet will thank you if you give them a try!
1. Clip Coupons
We all still receive paper ads in our mailboxes every week, but most people just toss them in the trash without even looking at them. They come from departments stores and local grocery stores and believe it or not there are some huge savings to be found inside if you just take the time to flip through them.
A simple five minute browsing session can end up saving you tens of dollars on a single trip when it comes to buy the regular weekly necessities. You know what you buy each week, so you should be able to notice any relevant coupons right away.
2. Look for BOGO Deals
When you are out shopping and you encounter a BOGO (buy one get one free) deal you need to be prepared to stock up. Don’t think of it as spending more money now. Think of it as saving more money over time.
If you are buying laundry detergent and there is a BOGO deal on a $20 package, you should grab four of them! Yes, you are going to spend $40 on it that day instead of $20, but over the course of using all four containers that move will end up saving you $40!
3. Shop at Discount Clubs
There are plenty of wholesale clubs, Like Costco or BJ’s, as well as many local and regional ones. These are great places to buy things in bulk to really save money. When you buy surplus it not only saves you money, but it also makes shopping easier. How so?
What if you find paper towels in a 30 pack at a discount club for $20. In the regular store they are close to $2 per role. You are saving more than 50% and also the bulk purchase will last you a long time, so you don’t have to buy them again for a while.
Things like paper towels, toilet paper, pet food, cleaning supplies, etc. — these can all be a pain to buy at the grocery store as they take up a lot of space in the cart. Stock up at discount clubs so you only have to purchase them once in a while and also save a lot of money.
4. Avoid Seasonal Price Spikes
Need to stock up on sunscreen in the middle of summer? Running low on ice melt for your steps in the middle of a cold winter? If so you are going to end up paying a premium because there is a high demand for the products.
Things like that are cheaper when they aren’t in season. Looks for specials and close outs off-season and stock up. You will save money and also have the items on hand when you need them.
5. Shop Store Brands
We all know and love Tide laundry detergent, but why? It’s because we are familiar with it and see their commercials and ads everywhere. They know how to sell. But what about the store brand laundry detergent?
You know, the one in the plan packaging that is a lot less expensive? Go for it because most of the store brands are made by the same manufactures that make the big names. You are paying for the name and label. This is an easy way to cut costs.
6. Think Long Term
When you understand that there are some things that no matter what, you are going to be buying each month, you will start to think smarter. Buying 10, 12 or 20 of something might seem excessive, but over time the savings can really add up.
Start to track your savings and when you see that you are able to save hundreds of dollars a month you will start to pay much more attention.