Las Vegas is a magical place and right now we are in prime pool season. What is Las Vegas pool season you might ask? It’s the prime summer months when all of the top resorts and casinos have daily parties that are over the top.
From the special guests and DJs to the crowd, it’s something to be experienced. I mean who doesn’t love the thought of partying in Las Vegas in a pool with a drink and listening to great music and people watching.
It’s a great time. But for a first timer it can be a complete disaster if not prepared. Here is my Las Vegas pool party survival guide. Hopefully it helps your experience be very memorable.
Remember that water is your best friend.
It’s easy to go into 100% party mode and drink heavily, but remember that you are going to be out in the sun and heat. You need water and lots of it. You have to stay hydrated or the combination of heat, sun, and alcohol will put you on your butt and fast.
Everyone likes to think they are a party machine but without water you don’t stand a chance of making it. Put water in your drink cup and keep it packed with ice. You will appear to be having a good time and nobody will think you are drinking water. Hydrate as much as possible.
Buddy up with the promoters to cut lines.
The lines can get ridiculously long for pool parties. The best shot you have at getting right in is to know a promoter. I use the same contacts every year and it works well. With social media you can quickly find out who promotes what parties.
Send them a message and let them know when you are arriving, where you are staying and what parties you want to attend. Slip them some compensation. It’s worth it/ I’d rather throw my contact a hundred dollars that sit in lines in the heat and with no drink waiting for hours. It’s a vacation, so treat yourself.
Pool + drinking = potential injury.
Anytime you mix alcohol with a pool environment there is potential for a disaster. The last thing you want to do is be part of a personal injury lawsuit, so make sure to do little things, like make sure you are dry before walking around or putting sandals on rather than risk slipping in your bare feet.
I have seen so many people slip and fall over the years and it’s because they were careless. I even saw on person slip and crack his head on the pool edge. Let’s just say his fun was cut short very quickly.

Sunscreen can save the day.
You should be applying sunscreen on a regular basis while you are there. First, there are so many reasons to use sunscreen, but aside from that if you get a sunburn the first day it will ruin your entire trip.
You will be in constant pain, have trouble sleeping and not to mention you will look like a lobster. We have all seen the person that forgot to apply sunscreen. They are beat red, look to be in constant pain and then start peeling, which makes them look like a freak. Later up and use a strong SPF.
It’s a marathon not a sprint.
So many people touch down in Las Vegas and think they have to go 100mph right away. You don’t want to use all of your gas on day one. Then you will be hungover and sleeping the rest of your trip.
Pace yourself. Remember, Las Vegas trips are a marathon and not a sprint. If you want to reach the finish line you have to live by this mentality.