For any individual, having knowledge about finance is a good thing, whether at an amateur or expert level. It gives you a better understanding of how to manage your money, including how to make sound investments.
As an added incentive, you would also be knowledgeable about the possible financial scams, so you don’t fall victim.
To begin accessing the right financial information, use the following resources, as reviewed by Green Sprout.
If you enjoy reading random content on the internet, a financial blog is an excellent place to start. Most of these blogs are usually written by experts who have spent years in the financial industry or by day-to-day people who are just sharing their own stories on how they have managed their money.
Whatever the case, you will surely get a wealth of information that will serve you well. Some of the financial blogs you can check out are Cash Cow Couple, The Simple Dollar, Dough Roller, and Money Crashers.
Self-Help Videos
Financial self-help videos help you deal with numerous financial issues, like tax filing, so you don’t have to pay an expert.
Such videos are beneficial if you are limited on cash and need to utilize your resources on more pressing needs like paying rent and groceries.
A lot of these videos can be found on YouTube. All you need to do is search according to your needs and filter through the options.
More specifically, you can check Steve Down’s videos, which center on working smarter and significantly improving your net income.
Financial Self-Help Books
The financial book Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is quite helpful. Since it first appeared on the shelves, more than 32 million copies have been sold, suggesting that its message genuinely inspires readers and helps them realize their financial mistakes.
The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous, and Broke, a book by Suze Orman, also helps young readers understand in layperson’s terms what a FICO score is, why it’s significant, student loan debt, and credit card information.
Due to the rising cost of hosting educational television shows about finance, many experts have used podcasts to convey their message to listeners.
Podcasts have the added benefit of being available to anyone at any time. You can listen to it on your way to work, at the gym, or at any random place once you have some free time.
Some excellent podcasts to listen to are The Tim Ferriss Show, The Dave Ramsey Show, So Money, How To Money, Smart Passive Income Podcast with Pat Flynn, and Stacking Benjamins.
You can subscribe to them on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and other compatible platforms.
Finance Applications
Beyond listening to podcasts, reading books, and watching self-help videos, having access to the right financial tools would also come in handy.
For instance, you can use BudgetSimple, to help you retrace your steps if you find yourself heading down the wrong road financially.
It assists you in maintaining a budget based on your income while keeping track of costs like bills. You can make graphs and charts to visualize your progress and use other relevant functions.